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Sharing the News: A Sibling’s Expected

How can you prepare children for a new addition to the family?“How can you prepare children for a new addition to the family?TLC

You may be at the time in your life when you expand your family. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy! But you may be wondering how your other children are going to respond to a new family member. That’s a very good question, and one that deserves special attention.

The news that a new baby is going to be in the house is going to prompt many interesting questions from your children. Don’t be shy about answering them.

How to Handle the Arrival of a New Baby

Here are some suggestions about how to handle the arrival of a new baby:

After you’ve done this preparation, how are your children going to act toward the new sibling? That depends on your children and their level of maturity. When you take a "new sibling" class, you’ll find that behavior usually is sorted out by age. Normally, a 2-year-old is expected to show anger or jealousy toward a newborn while an 8-year-old may be exhilarated. But that isn’t always the case.

You may find that you have to keep an extra eye on your 2-year-old who wants to help you by carrying or picking up the baby — while your 8-year-old suddenly seems to be angry with you for no apparent reason. Whatever the ages of your children, they may experience increased bouts of crying, temper tantrums, and regressions (such as bedwetting, acting like they can’t feed themselves, wanting to be carried when they’re fully capable of walking, and so on). You may find that your younger children actually try to take the baby out of your hands so they can crawl into your lap. These actions usually are signs that your children aren’t being heard and need your attention.

Excerpted from Parenting For Dummies, 2nd Edition™, published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.

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