Things to Eat With Apple Butter

... Bread is good with apple butter on it.

Apple butter is made by preserving processed apples with sweetener to create a condiment that can be eaten with many foods. In addition to foods, such as toast, that are widely known to be eaten with apple butter, adventurous gourmands can experiment with the use of apple butter on nearly anything edible.


Toast is probably the most common vehicle for eating apple butter. Some people enjoy a piece of toast with just apple butter slathered on it, while others put butter on the toast and then add apple butter on top. Any bread will create toast that tastes good with apple butter, including white bread, rye, pumpernickel and whole wheat. If you have a toaster oven, put the apple butter onto the piece of bread before you toast it, then put it into the toaster oven. This will make your apple butter hot while toasting only the bottom of the bread.

French Toast

French toast is made by submerging slices of bread into beaten raw eggs, then frying the concoction in a frying pan. After you have fried both sides of the bread, put it on a plate with butter and apple butter. Many people enjoy French toast with maple syrup, but apple butter is a delicious alternative. If you are feeling particularly decadent, cover your French toast with butter, apple butter and maple syrup all at once.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter and apple butter were made for each other, their tastes meld perfectly. If you find yourself without any bread, you can even eat a spoonful of peanut butter and apple butter with nothing else for a quick, simple protein hit. It's easier and less messy to put the peanut butter and apple butter together on a cracker, piece of bread or toast.


Butternut squash can be made even more delicious by covering it with apple butter. Slice a butternut squash in half and remove the seeds. Bake it in an oven, then take it out and, while it's still hot, cover the surface with fresh apple butter. This recipe mixes the flavors of two classic, fall treats. You can also cover the surface of the squash with a thin layer of apple butter before you bake it to infuse the baked squash with the taste of apples.

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