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Pumping 101: 34 Breastfeeding and Pumping Tips for New Moms

34 Breastfeeding and Pumping Tips for New Moms | If you’re looking for breast pumping tips and hacks for beginners, this post is for you! We’re sharing everything you need to know, including how to choose a breast pump, the best portable manual and electric pumps (and don’t worry – we go above and beyond Medela and Haakaa!), 16 breast pump accessories, how to increase your milk supply, and how to get on a pumping schedule! #breastfeeding #breastpumping #milksupply

Whether it’s your first time breastfeeding or your seventh, breastfeeding and pumping tips can help you keep your sanity during what can be a difficult time. Arming yourself with helpful information, the right supplies, and a manageable schedule will make all the difference.

Choosing a Breast Pump: 6 Tips to Consider

Whether you plan on returning to work, or you are a stay at home mom who would like a night or two out, every breastfeeding mama should arm herself with some sort of pump. There are two main types of pumps to choose from—manual and electric.

Consider if a manual pump is a good fit for your lifestyle.

Manual pumps are a great option for many women. These pumps require manual force to suction the breast, and many moms find they mimic the suction of their baby more naturally since they can control the speed of suction. Typically they are for one breast at a time and use two hands to operate, however, there are double manual pumps available.

This pump could be a good fit for you if:

Even if you never plan on letting your baby’s lips touch the artificial silicone of a bottle tip, it’s a good idea to keep a pump on hand in case some unforeseen incident, such as an illness, prevents you from breastfeeding.

Is an electric pump better?

Like most things, choosing a pump is a matter of personal preference and opinion. However, there are several situations where it makes sense to have an electric pump, like if:

Furthermore, if you select an electric pump, you will need to decide which features you need in a pump.

If you anticipate needing to pump cord-free, choose an electric pump with a rechargeable battery. Likewise, many models come with a car adaptorso you can charge your pump while in your car—why not make the most of rush hour?

Additionally, consider what you’d like to pump into. While there are adaptors available for many pumps, you might like one that pumpsdirectly into a certain type of bag or bottle.

When in all doubt, ask a girlfriend if you find yourself at a complete loss for what type of pump to get. Chances are, she will have a strong opinion!

16 Breast Pumps and Accessories We Love

What good is breastfeeding and pumping tips without telling you exactly what you should buy? This list will save you hours of annoying research—everything on this list is available on Amazon and has high ratings.

Best Electric Pumps

As stated above, there is a wide range of pumps available to become your new bestie—after all, you and your pump will probably be spending a good amount of quality time together! Some of our favorites include:

Best Manual Pumps

If you opt for a manual pump, here are three great options:

Recommended Breastfeeding Accessories

Out of all the breastfeeding and pumping tips I have ever received, I have found that accessories can make all the difference in keeping up a pumping routine.

3 Pumping Hacks that Will Change Your Life

Trust me, when you are sleep deprived and nursing in the middle of the night, even a few extra minutes saved are worth every penny. Here are some breastfeeding and pumping tips that may literally change your life.

Get a free pump: did you know that in the United States healthcare providers are required to give a breast pump to pregnant women for free thanks to the Affordable Care Act? Simply contact your provider for more information

The easiest way to sanitize: when you have to sanitize your pump at the office or quickly at home, grab these quick clean steam bags. These bags are the easiest way to quickly sanitize bottles, nipples and pumping parts! Each one is good for five uses—simply wash the parts and then add them all to the bag with water and microwave to sanitize parts and remove 99% of germs. Easy peasy.

Buy a handsfree pumping bra: perhaps the biggest change you can make to your pumping regime is to free up your hands while you pump. This will allow you to double pumping time as you time! Whether you choose to read, knit or simply scroll, your hands are all yours.

11 Ways to Increase Your Milk Supply

One easy way to try to increase your milk supply is to rent a hospital grade pump. These machines are stronger than consumer grade versions and can be rented for short periods of time until you get your supply back up.

Another great way to increase supply is to work with a lactation consultant. Talk to your pediatrician to see if they have one on staff, or can recommend anyone for you to work with.

Make sure you are using the correct sized flanges. Using flanges too large will not suction properly and too small flanges will pinch. This helpful post shows you how to measure your nipples for the correct size.

Pumping (or nursing) more frequently can help bring your supply up as well. Some women even have a “nurse-in” where they spend the entirety of a day or weekend in bed relaxing and feeding their baby or pumping as frequently as possible.

Try over the counter remedies. Like anything, read up on any risks and clear any concerns with your doctor. Some popular options mamas use include:

Lastly, remember that there are sometimes medical reasons supply drops, including thyroid problems or a lip tie on your baby. If you have tried everything and still are having no luck, don’t feel bad if you call it quits and switch to totally or partially using formula. Many babies are raised on formula and are thriving!

4 Ways to Get on a Pumping Schedule

Another one of the breastfeeding and pumping tips that can be life-changing is to get yourself onto a pumping schedule. How your schedule looks will depend on if you are a mom who works outside the office or a stay at home mom, and whether you both pump and nurse or are exclusively pumping. Either way, here are some tips to get on a pumping schedule

Sample Pumping Schedule for Stay-At-Home Moms

If you would like an idea of what a pumping schedule for a stay at home mom might look like, here is a helpful post broken down with schedules by the baby’s age.

Sample Pumping Schedule for Working Moms

Working moms may have a few more logistics to contend with such as daycare drop-offs and rescheduling their pumping schedules around meetings. This post has some great ideas!

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